
Mentions légales

This web site is owned by Anne-Laure CAQUET

Publisher : Anne- Laure CAQUET - 44 rue de la Clef 75005 PARIS ; telephone +33 173 70 16 70

Host provider : OVH   2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix ; téléphone : +33 9 72 10 10 07).


This site and its content are protected by intellectual property law. The site and its content are the property of Maître Anne-Laure CAQUET or third parties who have authorized Maître Anne-Laure CAQUET to use them.

The photographs, illustrations, drawings, or any other graphics, documents, signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, or messages of any kind appearing on the Site (hereinafter "the Content") may not be reproduced or represented without the prior express written authorization of Maître Anne-Laure CAQUET.

Text and Data Mining Policy

Maître Anne-Laure CAQUET opposes all text and data mining operations as defined in Article L. 122-5-3 of the Intellectual Property Code. This opposition covers the entire Site and the Content to which it gives access. All text and data mining operations targeting the Site and its Content, including through automated data collection devices, therefore constitute acts of infringement unless a specific agreement is formally obtained from Maître Anne-Laure CAQUET. Article R. 122-28 of the Intellectual Property Code specifies that the opposition mentioned in paragraph III of Article L. 122-5-3 may be expressed by any means, including through the general terms of use of a website or service. The absence of metadata associated with the Site, the directories of the Site, and the Content of the Site has no impact on the exercise of the right of opposition expressed by these general terms of use.


Hébergement du site

Le site est hébergé sur les serveurs de la société OVH (adresse : 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix ; téléphone : +33 9 72 10 10 07).

Développement technique

La plateforme permettant d'éditer le présent site a été développée par la société Jurihub, 2 rue Plais Grillet 69002 Lyon.

Crédit photos : thinkstock photos

Adresse du cabinet d'avocats
44 rue de la Clef
75005 PARIS
Contacter cet avocat
Phone number : +33 (0)1 73 70 16 70
Horaires du cabinet d'avocat